Celebrities: Making a Difference for Gay Rights

Celebrities.  They are everywhere. We see them on television and in movies, on magazine covers, and in advertisements. While we all have unique beliefs on who we believe are the best role models, and which individuals should have the biggest impact on our lives and those of our children, the effect that celebrities can have, across the country and around the world, cannot be overstated.

Because of their visibility, celebrities have considerable power. Simply look at how prominently they are featured in advertisements. They sell everything from food and drinks, to exercise equipment to automobiles. Quite simply, celebrities make things happen.

Celebrities Use Their Visibility To Help Gay Rights

In addition to products and projects, many celebrities use their visibility to draw attention to and positively impact social issues which are of importance to them. This includes gay rights.  In fact, over the years, celebrities have truly played a role in the LGBTQ community’s fight for equal rights.

Some popular celebrities and the work they have done include:

  • Miley Cyrus: This singer and actress is clearly an LGBTQ ally.  She has a tattoo of an equal sign on her ring finger; she supports same-sex marriage and has even had an article published on this same topic. The Happy Hippie Foundation, founded by Cyrus is dedicated to empowering the homeless and LGBT youth.

  • Billie Jean King: One of the pioneers of activism, Billie Jean King has fought for the LGBTQ population and gender equity for years. She has always been vocal in her beliefs and is truly an icon to our community. Her impact is indescribable. 

  • Brad Pitt: Just hearing his name evokes the idea of celebrity. This bonafide movie star has been an ally of the LGBTQ community for years.  In fact, he even made a significant donation to the Human Rights Campaign in support of their same-sex marriage advocacy.  He put his money behind his beliefs to help fight for equality.

  • Lil Nas X: This talented musician formally came out in 2019. His performances can be provocative and are certainly original and unique.  He is 100% himself in two communities that may not be overly open and accepting.  He is paving the ground for others.

  • Lady Gaga: World famous, Lady Gaga is one of the most consistent supporters, in her words and actions, of the LGBTQ community.  Her Born This Way Foundation fosters anti-bullying efforts and she is an active participant in Pride events.

While the money many celebrities donate to LGBTQ causes impacts the advancement of Gay Rights, their verbal support is often equally as valuable. America, and the world, love celebrities. So when they use their platform to show their support for gay rights, they encourage others to do the same.

At Rainbow Depot, we love when celebrities speak their truth and support our community and those we love. We believe increased acceptance is key to continuing to gain ground on getting the equal rights we all need and deserve.  Thank you to those who continue to share how important this is.