The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on LGBTQ Community 

As we welcome the summer of 2021 we look forward to enjoying blue skies, warm weather, and quality time with our friends and family - hopefully within six feet and without masks. The CDC is constantly releasing new guidelines and they have shared that fully vaccinated people can spend time together, both indoors and outdoors, without masks. 

This news is great as the Covid-19 pandemic has certainly had an impact on our community. 

The LGBTQ Community and Covid-19 

People across the country and around the world have been affected by the pandemic. Many caught the virus and were ill and countless lost their lives. That said, even those who did not become sick were impacted. 

Many adults in the community and those with whom they live have lost their jobs and faced the resulting financial struggles. As the country recovers, we are all hoping that the economy rebounds and those who became unemployed can once again find jobs that are fulfilling and that leverage their experience and expertise. 

Many in the LGBTQ community were diagnosed with Covid and became physically ill. That said, others who avoided the virus still suffered from the emotional effects relating to it. They were worried about their health and that of their families and friends. They were stressed about their employment and financial well-being. And they faced anxiety related to lockdowns and quarantines. 

Finally, vaccines are becoming more widely available, almost every adult in the country is now eligible to receive them. While studies have shown vaccination rates in the LGBTQ community keeping pace with the country as a whole, many who identify as LGBTQ view the decision to be vaccinated as more than just a personal choice. They believe that getting vaccinated is a responsibility, that we all must do our part to protect society as a whole. 

Looking Toward a Brighter Future 

As we hopefully move towards a brighter and safer future, LGBTQ adults are working hard to recover from the effects of the pandemic. Those who were ill are focused on regaining their health. Those who lost loved ones are learning to cope with their grief and move forward. As the economy begins to grow again, hopefully, more jobs will become available. And, as the world opens we look forward to being healthier, mentally and emotionally. At Rainbow Depot, we have seen firsthand the tremendous impact the pandemic has had on our community. Together, we look forward to a brighter tomorrow.